Cadence Affects Everything, and it Doesn’t Really Matter

This is a quick transfer of a massive twitter thread I posted in June, 2023. Since Txitter is more difficult to read these days without an account, and even less worth it than ever to create an account.. I will try to transfer some threads back to here. This is basically just an archive of … Continue reading Cadence Affects Everything, and it Doesn’t Really Matter

Thresholds, Constructs, and Confidence Intervals

We recently published an article comparing the NIRS-derived deoxy-BP to the RCP (VT2) in a ramp cycling test. I want to use this and another similar study to understand the important differences between threshold measurements, the natural variability in measuring physiology, and how understanding this variability can help us prescribe training targets that will elicit the desired training stimulus for ourselves and our athletes.

Sustainable Training

This is a basic template for what I currently consider to be a solid, simple, sustainable training plan that can be individualised, modified, mixed around, and repeated near ad infinitum. This can be used as a foundation for whatever training goals we have, be they focused on performance with a specific peak event/race date in mind, or more about sustaining general health, fitness, longevity, and resiliency.